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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease

The oil palm industry forms the economic backbone of Malaysia and continues to face new challenges in the face of globalization. Rapid responses are needed to meet the increasing challenges of the industry as they unfold.  

Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease caused by Ganoderma boninense is the most destructive disease in oil palm.

The Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease is more deteriorated after replanting  especially in Malaysia and Indonesia.

 The available control measures for BSR disease such as cultural practices and mechanical and chemical treatment have not proved satisfactory due to the fact that Ganoderma has various resting stages such as melanised mycelium, basidiospores and pseudosclerotia. 

Mycelium of Ganoderma boninense

Basidiospores in SEM view

Microscopic view of Basidiospores

Pseudosclerotia of Ganoderma boninense

Alternative control measures to overcome the Ganoderma problem are focused on the use of biological control agents and planting resistant material. Present studies conducted at Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute (IOPRI) are focused on enhancing the use of biological control agents for Ganoderma

These activities include screening biological agents from the oil palm rhizosphere in order to evaluate their effectiveness as biological agents in glasshouse and field trials, testing their antagonistic activities in large scale experiments and eradicating potential disease inoculum with biological agents. Several promising biological agents have been isolated which has antagonistic activities against Ganoderma spp.

MG BioGuardTM is a bio-fungicide embedded in bio-organic fertilizer medium. The bio-fungicide consists of a cocktail of indigenous microbes having antagonistic properties towards Oil Palm Basal Stem Rot (BSR) causal agent, Ganoderma Spp. It helps prevent and inhibit the spread of BSR.
It has high content of humic and fulvic acids which are able to rejuvenate low-fertility soil and at the same time provide nourishment to the crop for better and higher yield.


Thursday 11 April 2013

EM Application - Animal Husbandry

Poultry Farming

  • Increase in production capacity
  • Increase in feed conversion ratio (FCR)
  • Increasing the grower’s profits 
  • Increase in the general health of the operation (control of noxious odour and control of flies and pests) 
  • Improvement on the meat quality of poultry
  • Reduction of mortality rate

Dairy Farming
  • Increase in production capacity
  • Increase in feed conversion ratio (FCR)
  • Increasing the grower’s profits 
  • Increase in the general health of the operation (control of noxious odour and control of flies and pests) 
  • Improvement on the milk quality 

EM Application - Agriculture


  • Helps to maintain the soil microbial balance/ increase the micro flora in the soil and suppressing harmful
  • microbes and increase beneficial microbes.
  • Develop natural resistance of plant diseases and pests. 
  • Continuous use of EM•1® may improve the soil structure, texture, water retention, and better yield
  • which leading to the increasing profitability for farmers.
  • Accelerate natural decomposition of residues left in the field after harvest.  
  • Promote the formation of soil aggregates and increase resistance to soil compaction.
  • Stimulate root growth thereby improving absorption capacity of water and nutrients by the plant.
  • Increase the viability and availability of nutrients in the soil.
  • Improve production quality: size, color and peel (skin) resistance etc.
  • Better the structure and porosity of the soil.
  • Maximize the conversion of organic matter into humus.
  • Increase the natural production of humus and favors the production of beneficial organic substance that promotes growth and improves nutrition of the plants due to soluble phosphorus and potassium availability.
  • Increase the population of beneficial microorganisms that helps in suppressing disease causing
  • microorganisms consequently reducing the use of pesticides.
  • Aid in the cleaning of irrigation system.

Importance of Soil Biodiversity

EM-1® (Effective Microorganism)

Background of EM-1®

EM® is an acronym for Effective Microorganisms®It is a brand name referring to a line of microbial-based products using a technology developed by Japanese scientist Dr. Teruo Higa. EM•1® is a liquid bacterial product made of three groups of bacteria: Yeast, Photosythetic Bacteria, and Lactic Acid Bacteria.

EM•1® works together with beneficial microbes in the area to which it is added, creating a synergy among microorganisms and larger forms of life including insects and worms, pets and livestock, and people. The application EM•1® has quickly spread to over 160 countries since its introduction in 1982.

Today Effective Microorganisms® products are sold in over 100 countries and produced in over 50 facilities including the manufacturing plant in Batu Caves, Selangor Darul Ehsan which produces EM•1®. EM•1® is all-natural, indigenous and non-genetically modified (Non-GMO). The use of EM Technology® has broadened in the last two decades from agriculture to organic waste management, water treatment, odor control, animal husbandry, human health, and numerous other industrial treatments. 

1.1: Types of Microorganisms in EM
When mentioning the word microorganism or bacteria, one may imagine harmful germs. However the microorganisms used in EM•1® production (Lactic Acid Bacteria, Yeast, Phototrophic Bacteria) exclude any pathogenic and genetically modified microorganisms that are harmful to humans, animals and plants. EM•1® consists only of safe microorganisms that have been used, either intentionally or unintentionally, since ancient times.

Lactic Acid Bacteria
Lactic acid bacteria is, taxonomically, a generic term for bacteria that convert large amounts of sugars into lactic acid through lactic acid fermentation. Through the production of lactic acid, lactic acid bacteria also inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and other various microorganisms by lowering the pH. Lactic acid bacteria are widely known in the production of fermented foods such as cheese and yogurt that can be naturally preserved for a long period of time. Ever since Louis Pasteur discovered lactic acid bacteria in 1857, it has been noted for its beneficial effects on health and longevity.

Known as a fermentation starter, yeast is a microorganism necessary for the brewing of alcohol and the making of bread. Yeast was discovered by the Dutch merchant Antony Van Leeuwenhoek (1632 – 1723), who first discovered the world of microorganisms. Taxonomically, yeast is a eukaryotic. It differs from fungus in that it generally is unicellular throughout its life. Within the microbial world it is a small group of microorganisms, yet it is essential for human life. Yeast live in sugar-rich environments such as in nectar and the surface of fruits. In EM•1®, yeast produces many biologically active agents such as amino acids and polysaccharides.

Phototrophic Bacteria

Phototrophic bacteria (also known as photosynthetic bacteria) are an ancient type of bacteria in existence from before the Earth had its present concentration of oxygen. As its name indicates, these bacteria utilize solar energy to metabolize organic and inorganic substances.

Phototrophic bacteria exist in rice fields and lakes, and everywhere on Earth. In practical terms, the potential of phototrophic bacteria is particularly seen in the environmental fields. Because it decomposes organic materials well, among these applications is its use in wastewater treatment. Research has also reported on its effectiveness in applied use in agriculture, aquaculture, and animal husbandry. Research is also underway in its use in hydrogen production and its ability to decompose persistent substances.
Phototrophic bacteria are involved in various metabolic systems, and play a major role in nitrogen cycling and carbon cycling. Because this role allows the other microorganisms in EM•1® to co-exist, phototrophic bacteria are the essential element of EM•1®.
EM Technology™ is based on the idea of coexistence with native and originally-dominant microorganisms, not exclusion of them.

Application of EM•1®
The usage of EM•1® can be divided into 5 fields, which are:
· Agriculture
· Aquaculture
· Animal Husbandry
· Household
· Environment